Reconditioning of conveyor rollers
In view to growing raw material prices and the principle of sustainability, our service for the reconditioning of conveyor rollers is continuously gaining importance.
This refers to the reconditioning of expensive return rollers and, increasingly, to conveyor rollers, too. This service includes careful checking of the possibility to re-use the supporting rings.
Particularly interesting for our customers is the fact that the costs for the reconditioning of expensive special rollers are just a small portion of the costs to be incurred by a new acquisition.
The recycling of rollers to be re-used after comprehensive material processing is one more core business of our enterprise – so just profit from our experience of more than ten years in this field.
Since launching of the installation particularly developed for the dismounting of conveyor rollers, several thousand rollers have already been recycled. Many customers are still not aware of the unique technology allowing for the recycling of all types of conveyor rollers. The advantages for the environment offered by recycling are enormous, particularly in the case of special roller types or small piece numbers produced. In addition, a lot of energy is saved by using recycled starting material instead of producing new starting material. And please bear in mind that your costs can be reduced this way, too.
Our unique and transparent reconditioning system grants documentation of the work carried out for our customers. The initial state and any existing damages on the rollers as well as all work steps taken are carefully documented. Practically speaking, the customer is provided with a new-value conveyor roller at favourable conditions.
It goes without saying that the disposal and recycling of all parts that cannot be used anymore are carried out in a competent and environmental-friendly way.